13 May 2024

The Efik National Association USA Inc. dba (EfikUSA)
P.O. Box 550624
Dallas, TX 75355-0624
(214) 952-7276

About Us


Our vision as a national organization is to operate a world-class consortium for Efik Associations (otherwise known as chapters) located in the mainland USA; and to ‘open doors of opportunities’ for our people and other minorities through the implementation of various charitable programs.


Our organization serves the unique purpose of unifying the indigenous people of Calabar from all walks of life that are resident in the USA. As a consortium, we provide a national platform for Efiks living in the USA to stay connected, dialogue, and also congregate annually for the good of our people. The intent is to promote and protect our cultural heritage; with the prospect of inculcating distinct aspects of our cultural values into the next generation of our Efik-American children.

The EfikUSA strives to encourage and stimulate community-partnership and involvement at the grassroots level, as a means to ‘opening doors of opportunities’ for Efik people and other minorities. We aspire to establish a first-class collaborative relationship between/ with our local chapters, as well as other national philanthropic organizations/persons. Such relationships are deemed critical to the consortium’s ability to orchestrate major initiatives in the areas of economic empowerment, education, health, and human services.

As a non-profit entity The EfikUSA maintains financial transparency. Projects are funded through personal donations and dues from our members. We also routinely conduct fundraising activities as a source of supplemental income, and through which we raise public awareness about our activities. All donations are tax deductible, and no more than 20% of proceeds from public fundraising is applied to administrative costs.

We provide an avenue for the recognition and acknowledgement of selfless service rendered by individual members or groups within our organization, as well as friends of our consortium; as a means of promoting community interests in the empowerment of minorities.

As a cultural organization, The EfikUSA maintains direct contact with the office of the Efik monarchy (the Obong’s Council), in an effort to keep abreast with important issues that impact on our cultural heritage, and the general wellbeing of Efik people. The EfikUSA is a non-political group, but its activities promote equity and social justice for the people of Calabar, as a result of which we also maintain an open line of communication with the government of the Cross River State of Nigeria, through its Office of Diaspora Affairs.